The acronym FUPA stands for ‘fat upper pubic area’, and describes the fat usually stored in the area just above the pubic bone. It is often erroneously


The acronym FUPA stands for ‘fat upper pubic area’, and describes the fat usually stored in the area just above the pubic bone.

It is often erroneously referred to as a ‘pouch’ or ‘apron’, which can be off-putting terms for those who suffer from this unsightly condition. FUPA is a common problem, particularly among women and is sometimes hereditary. It is often hard to get rid of and can be the source of many insecurities. The good news is, there are a number of strategies that can be used to reduce the appearance of FUPA.

What Causes FUPA?

The most common cause of FUPA is being overweight, or having a high body fat percentage. This is because when the body stores fat, it is prone to be stored in hard to reach pockets such as the FUPA area. People who are severely overweight are more likely to suffer from FUPA, as this is where much of the excess fat is stored.

Diets which are high in fat and sugar, and low in healthy fruits and vegetables will cause weight gain, and subsequently, FUPA. Engaging in a poor diet will have an even greater impact if it is combined with lack of exercise. Exercise is essential for overall wellbeing and weight loss, which help reduce the appearance of FUPA.

Stress can also contribute to FUPA, as it can make it difficult to have a healthy lifestyle. When under stress, people may reach for comfort food and skip exercise altogether, or eat fast-food often instead of healthy meals. Stress can also cause cortisol to be produced, which can increase fat storage in the abdominal area.

How to Get Rid of FUPA

Although FUPA is not always easy to get rid of, there are ways to reduce its appearance. Unfortunately, it is not as simple as trying to “spot-reduce” the area; this means that it cannot be reduced by doing exercises that target the area alone.

A combination of healthy eating and exercise is the best way to reduce fat in the FUPA area. A diet consisting of fruits, vegetables, lean meats, and healthy fats should be implemented. It is important to avoid processed foods and sugar as these can contribute to fat storage. Drinking plenty of water will also help to flush out toxins and may help to reduce bloating.

Exercise is essential for reducing the appearance of FUPA. Cardio is a great way to burn fat and reduce the size of the FUPA area. In addition, strength training can help to build muscle in the FUPA area. Building muscle will help to make the area look toned and tighter.

FUPA (Fat Upper Pubic Area) is a common problem, especially in women and is often hard to get rid of. The main cause of FUPA is being overweight or having a high body fat percentage. Therefore, incorporating a healthy diet and regular exercise is the best way to reduce its appearance. Eating a balanced diet consisting of fruits, vegetables, lean meats, and healthy fats while avoiding processed foods is important for reducing body fat. In addition, regularly engaging in cardiovascular activities and strength training can help to reduce FUPA and build muscle.