Fraxel Laser

Fraxel laser treatment is one of the latest breakthroughs in skin resurfacing technology.

Fraxel Laser

Fraxel laser treatment is one of the latest breakthroughs in skin resurfacing technology. 

It has revolutionized the way we look at cosmetic procedures, as it is minimally invasive, requires less downtime, and is more effective than ever. The Fraxel laser treatment works by precisely targeting a fraction of skin at a time with laser light. Hence, the name Fraxel. This highly advanced, non-invasive laser procedure works by stimulating the collagen deep below the surface of the skin to restore and rejuvenate the complexion.

If you're looking to improve skin issues such as acne scars, wrinkles, or sun damage, Fraxel laser treatment may be the solution you are looking for. In this article, we'll discuss what Fraxel laser is, what its benefits are, and what to expect from the procedure.

What Is Fraxel? 

Fraxel is a brand name for one of the laser treatments available. It is an FDA-approved procedure for laser skin resurfacing. Fraxel laser treatments use fractional technology to precisely target areas of the skin that are damaged. It works by creating tiny injuries, or micro-injuries, in your skin. Then, your body's natural healing processes kick in and the body starts producing more collagen—the structural protein that gives your skin strength and elasticity. The result is a smoother, and more vibrant look.

What Are The Benefits Of Fraxel Laser Treatments? 

Fraxel laser treatments have numerous benefits — from treating skin concerns such as acne scars, wrinkles, pigmentation, skin laxity, sun spots, and melasma to improving skin tone, texture, and complexion.

Reduction of Acne Scars: Fraxel treatments can effectively reduce the appearance of acne scarring. The laser precisely targets the areas of scarring while minimizing damage to surrounding healthy skin.

Smoother Skin:The procedure can help improve the look and feel of your skin by reducing wrinkles, crow’s feet, and fine lines.

Rejuvenation: Fraxel laser treatments promote skin rejuvenation by stimulating skin cells to produce more collagen. This helps to improve the skin’s elasticity and tightness.

How Does Fraxel Laser Treatment Work? 

The Fraxel laser treatment works by using a handheld device that emits tiny pulses of laser light. It creates microscopic injuries—or microthermal zones—in the skin. Each pulse of light passes through the top layers of skin and penetrates the skin to generate heat, which causes coagulation and healing.

Fraxel laser treatments are minimally invasive, meaning they don't involve cutting or removing any tissue. They're typically done in a series of 3-5 treatments, depending on the severity of the skin damage. After each treatment, you may notice some mild redness or a change in the texture of the skin. This usually lasts for a few days.

What Can I Expect During Treatment? 

Usually, Fraxel laser treatments are quick and painless, taking about 15-30 minutes on average. The area being treated may be cleaned and a topical anaesthetic may be applied to the area before the Fraxel laser is used. You will feel a slight heating sensation on the skin during treatment.

What Is The Downtime? 

Fraxel laser treatments generally require minimal downtime. You may experience a warm sensation and redness around the treated area for the next few days. The redness usually fades away in a few days, with complete healing time taking 7–14 days.

Results and Side Effects The results of Fraxel laser treatments vary, but usually, you should start to notice the results in 4–6 weeks. Results will continue to improve over time, and typically last for 1–2 years, depending on the extent of the procedure and your skin type.

Side effects may include temporary swelling, redness, and peeling or flaking of the skin. Rare side effects include scarring, infection, and blistering.

Fraxel laser treatments are a non-invasive, minimal downtime and effective way to reduce the appearance of scars, wrinkles, sun damage, and other skin issues. If you're considering getting a Fraxel laser treatment, consult with a specialist and make sure to ask about the potential risks and benefits of the procedure. With proper care and maintenance, you can get beautiful and long-lasting results from this revolutionary treatment.